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Chivalry Garden" Sets von EPIC Miniatures

Chivalry Garden" sets by EPIC Miniatures

(15 products)

#82 "Chivalry Garden" sets from EPIC Miniatures

The "Chivalry Garden" set from EPIC Miniatures is a collection of tabletop miniatures anchored in the world of the Middle Ages and chivalry. It combines elements of classic chivalry with fantastic creatures and landscaping elements.

Main components of the set:

1. OpenLOCK Tabletop Tiles and Walls: With these compatible tiles, walls and tiles, players can design their own labyrinths and structures for their gaming worlds.

2. Chivalry Garden Tabletop Scatter: A set of smaller pieces used to detail a royal garden.

3. Tabletop Miniatures:

Tabletop knights and nobles:

  • Centaur knight in various equipment such as bow and spear.

  • Heart knight in actions such as attack and defense.

  • Gallant tomcat that parries and attacks.

  • Legendary horse mount in different movements.

  • Several customized knights including Sir Tristan, Tower Knight, Lady Joan, Lady Gisella, Horse Folk Knight, Sir Rollant and Sir Lancelot. Each of these characters is depicted in different poses and with different weapons.

Fantastic tabletop creatures:

  • Long-billed griffin landing, attacking or simply being presented.

  • The majestic Mirage Dragon, a giant miniature shown in various actions such as flying, breathing fire and resting.

These tabletop miniatures are finely crafted and offer a great level of detail, making them ideal for games, dioramas or simply for display. The "Chivalry Garden" set is a must for lovers of the Middle Ages and those who want to enrich their tabletop games with high quality miniatures.

Delivery without support structure! | At least 6K print resolution | Tabletop Miniatures | Tabletop Terrains | Tabletop buildings
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