Dungeon and caves - tabletop terrains in 28mm scale

Tabletop miniatures

Tabletop miniatures, terrain, vehicles and accessories in 3D printing for your games

Delivery without support structure! | At least 6K print resolution | Tabletop Miniatures | Tabletop Terrains | Tabletop buildings
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Adventure Worlds: Dungeons & Caves

(12 products)

Welcome to Adventure Worlds: Dungeons & Caves, the ultimate destination for tabletop enthusiasts looking to enrich their gaming worlds with highly detailed, 3D printed miniatures. Our exclusive collection includes everything from sinister dungeon dwellers to mysterious cave landscapes, making every gaming session an unforgettable experience.

These miniatures are perfect for a variety of tabletop games including Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Warhammer and many more that require physical representation of characters and environments. Designed with universal compatibility, our characters and scenery fit seamlessly into any game world and bring your most imaginative scenarios to life.

Each piece is crafted with precision and an eye for detail to ensure that the characters and environments are not only visually stunning, but also enhance the atmosphere and depth of your adventures. Dive deeper into the world of tabletop gaming and take your stories to the next level with our dungeon and cave miniatures.